Fisher Girl Productions

Friday, November 25, 2005

Thankful Blessings

I am off to make homemade carmels today. My Aunt Barbie and cousin Luana got a wild hair to try this little adventure, could be very interesting. None of us have ever made homemade carmels before so I am envisioning carmel in my hair. I may be wrong and I will let you know just how it goes and how they turn out.

Following the carmel experiment, and a quick shower to get all the carmel out of my anticipated hair, we plan on eating some red meat and attending a Pixar movie "Chicken Little" at the infamous Palace Theater in Luverne. Last year, we went to the Pixar movie "The Incredibles" so it seems as if this is a new tradition ..... right besides the carmel making.

Another Thanksgiving weekend tradition is the "hanging of Barbie's lights". Some former neighbors come to help as well as Luana and I. Along with the lights, we set up several wire Christmas Trees wrapped in lights on the lawn. Now, according to the neighbors, there is a right way and a wrong way in this process. I usually try the wrong way and have been given the job of holding the twisty ties instead. I am trying to talk Barbie into becoming a "Redneck Woman" because as the song goes ..... "they leave their Christmas lights on the front porch all year long" .... think it will work?? Doubtful.

At any rate, this weekend I get to spend time with my family. Given the fact that I have been on the road for youth related stuff every weekend this month, I am thankful for this time, even if it involves carmel in my hair and frozen fingers while hanging lights. The opportunity to be together and enjoy the simple things is priceless.

Wishing you thankful blessings today and everyday~


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

As I Look At Him

I often write about our youngest son Adam, who by the way is doing better yet still giving us gray hair and requiring constant prayer. Thank you to those who have been praying for him. But tonight, I am going to write about our oldest son J.J. (Jacob John).

It has been a good day. JJ, my nephew, and a friend stopped today. They were hunting deer and got a small one in our grove. The guys spent the afternoon and early evening here. First having coffee, then turning into staying for Supper. Just a small joy for this Mom tonight.

As I look at him, I see glimpses of the boy he once was ...... curls and good humor. Still teasing his brother and wrestling in the living room. He is now a man recently turning age 20. The same age I was when he was born. Seems like yesterday.

As I look at him, I remember holding him in my arms for the first time, just a kid myself with a journey ahead. Peaks and valleys to be climbed together.

As I look at him, I see my Dad ........ all the mannerisms, speech, walk, the way he drinks his coffee.

As I look at him .... his face is softer now since being out on his own. He lives on the farm I grew up on, walks all the paths I walked as a kid, works hard in the barn where I spent time milking cows as a teenager, still using his hands on the family farm my parents worked so hard on.

As I look at him ..... I have to turn away so he doesn't see the tears welling in my eyes because I am proud of the man he has become.

As I look at him, I am blessed. Stop by again soon son ........ I miss you.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Struggling With Struggling

I'm in the middle of preparing to leave in the morning for our statewide UM Jr. High Youth gathering which as YIAT Coordinator, I am responsible for. We have 975 participants registered so it is a little like the anticipation of 975 people coming over to your house for Thanksgiving dinner. At the moment, I am not feeling very "thankful" or like I am about to lead a Jr. High youth event. At the moment, I am feeling like a angry, yet very concerned Mom of a almost 17 year old son.

Our son Adam is struggling. He is struggling with school, struggling with friends (not good ones), struggling with struggling. This afternoon while loading my van in preparation for an early morning departure, I received a call from his teacher who is also concerned. Adam and two friends drove in the yard .... of which I promptly yelled at them to head back to town. The two "friends" have also been making some bad choices. The same friend as I blogged about earlier. Today, I had one concern on my mind and that was my son. Adam and I have had our shouting match, a phone call from Dad, a softer talk again that ended with both of us in tears. Calming down, having a slice of pizza, then finally out to get chores done.

I see hundreds of Adam's out there everyday ......... but the pain is heavier closer to home. I know he is "in there" for I see glimpses of him. Where is my son? What have you done with him? I will fight you for him. I will fight you for all of them.

I know the power of prayer. I have seen the results of it's light. I have also seen the power of darkness when it runs rampant trying to destroy light. But today, I fight ....... I fight the darkness with the power of light. The light that comes from Christ alone. The light that comes from prayer. The light that comes from love. With every breath of my being I will cry out to God, the creator of light. In His name I will fight the darkness that tries to seep into my son's life just to deteer me. I will fight darkness in the name of Jesus the Christ for today, and everyday ..............

I am a God Truster.

I love you Adam, be Gods!
