Fisher Girl Productions

Sunday, January 21, 2007

She's Laughing Again

It was well past lights out and as I laid on the church floor, I could hear her giggling. My normal response would have been to crawl out of my sleeping bag, grab my Scooby-Doo flashlight, and issue a gentle yet firm .... "Ladies .... it's lights out!". But instead, I laid there and smiled to myself. She's laughing again.

She has had a hard year, the loss of a dear friend in a car accident last Spring, add in the many issues of being a teenager, sometimes life can just plain stink .... and she wrapped herself in darkness. Her eyes grew hollow, her attire grew black, isolation & chemicals.

And so I laid there, exhausted and wishing for a couple hours of sleep and gave thanks to the giver of life that she is back. I see Jesus in her eyes again. I hear him in her laugh.

When she leaves on Saturday, she gives me a hug ... and she literally skips away.

Thank you Jesus for early morning giggles on church floors.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Favorite Things & More

I don't have any creative thoughts or devotions for you so let's play "Favorite Things" this time. I'll compose a list of favorite things and feel free to comment on your favorite things. I may also send this out via email so here ya go.

1. What are you thankful for today? Today, I am thankful for solitude and the ability to take some time for myself the past couple of weeks.

2. What is in your CD player right now? I have been listening to Christopher Ames (our UMYs speaker, "Beyond The Shadows". Pocket Full of Rocks "Song To The King" and Faith Hill "Fireflies" this morning.

3. What reading material is on your nightstand? I just finished a Sandra Brown mystery & am about to start another of her books. I am also reading "Just A Walk Across The Room" by Bill Hybels. My devotional books are usually an assortment, but at the moment consist of "UpperRoom Devotions" on the lectionary, "A Year With Dietrich Bonhoeffer" and a Women of Faith devo. And I also do Word Searches alot to shut down my brain. An occasional recipe book is nearby.

4. Favorite Magazines? I subscribe to "Discipleship Journal" and "Women's Day". I also like "All You" and have just recently discovered "Hallmark" magazine. I think it is new and I think I will subscribe to it. I read "Oprah" and "Real Simple" at the library along with several others.

5. What's cookin'? I have a pot of chili on the stove simmering, a hotdish/garlic bread ready for Supper, and contemplating making more coffee ..... I know, I know .... but you do want your emails answered today don't you?? wink.

6. What movies are ya watchin? I checked out "Cars" & "An Unfinished Life" from the library. If I get your emails answered then I can watch them huh? Last weekend (after the sermon) I rented "All The Kings Men" which was just ok & pretty intense. Haven't been to the theater in a little while.

7. What is on your TV? I like TV too much. "Cold Case", "Brothers & Sisters", "Grey's Anatomy", "Ugly Betty", "Bones", "Numbers" ..... Rachel Ray's show, and "Antique Roadshow".

8. If you were a soda, what would you be? I really like this new Sierra Mist Cranberry Splash but it is hard to find. I also like Cranberry Ginger Ale.

9. Favorite place to stay? that would of course be the St. Cloud Holiday Inn ..... if I want to relax ...unaccompanied by 1,000 youth ..... if I am working .... well it's still my favorite, like a comfortable sweatshirt. Ask for Sherri she'll get ya nestled in.

10. Favorite time waster? reading blogs of course! I better get to your emails. Have a great day. Let me know your favorites.

All Is Well With Introspective Me

Greetings! A friend called me the other day to see if I had fallen off the face of the earth. Sorry that I haven't blogged in awhile. I have spent some time the past few weeks being very introspective. I am an introvert (INFP) on the Meyer's Briggs scale and sometimes I need to cocoon. My schedule usually doesn't allow quite as much cocoon time as I have taken recently, but I have been thristing for some ..... thank you to those of you who have been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting for me to respond to you. Once this week hits, I am off and running until I don't know when. The YIAT meeting is next weekend, Confirmation Gathering the next, District Day, preparing for UMYs ....... the list goes on. Someone once told me that you need to give yourself permission to rest ...... I have taken it!

I am at my desk today and will start whittling away at answering your emails. For those of you concerned that I haven't been writing, I have ... just private reflections these days. I will most likely do some sort of a "list" for your blog reading pleasure ... you know "List your favorite things" and welcome comments as to what some of your favorites are.

So, "all is well, all is well, in all manner of things all will be well". I think that is Julian of Norwich but not to sure. Thanks for some time to rest.

