Fisher Girl Productions

Monday, July 16, 2007


It's been awhile since I have blogged, sorry, I'll try to keep this a little more updated. My life has been a little busy the past month. Hectic, new, exciting .... but oh so Spirit-filled.

I began the month in Fort Scott, KS for 2 weeks of intense school for License to Preach I met so many wonderful new friends that will last a life-time. We laughed, cried, lived & journeyed together as we learned about God's call on our lives as Local Pastors. Thank you my friends, you know who you are ... what we endured ... and how much you mean to me! Be blessed!

After returning from KS, I celebrated with my home church in saying, "Bye for now" as I preached the word to the congregation who gave me "roots & wings" and I love you all so very much. I was humbled and blessed by your letters. I hold them close to my heart and return to them often. Thank you for raising me in Christ!

It has been 3 weeks now, and you have welcomed me so whole-heartedly as your new Pastor, thank-you! You have been so kind and gracious to my family and friends ... and we've even had an unexpected guest now haven't we???? "And just who IS our neighbor?".

I have been humbled as my hands have broke bread with you. I have been Spirit-filled by your commitedness to trying new things, I have challenged you and you have met them with an open mind to grow in Christ and I am so proud of you all!! I have been tired at times, but God's grace has carried me. I have been reminded by you ... that God's in charge and we are vessels of His grace.

I am so pleased and humbled to serve you ... and off we go where he leads us!

Joyfully ...........
Pastor Lori