Fisher Girl Productions

Monday, November 05, 2007

For All The Saints ......

Yesterday in worship we celebrated All Saints Day. It was my first as a Pastor and I was a little anxious, felt as if I wanted to run around the church a few times. I just wanted the service to be nice for the families. We had eight Saints, two of whom I as their new Pastor buried, one as recent as last week. We had the families come up and light a candle as names were read. It was very nice, very emotional, very Spiritfilled.
The Holy Spirit showed up, as always .... when we let go and let God instead of relying on our own strength ... and it stirred something inside of me and I am overwhelmed by God's blessing. I am enveloped with the mystery of holiness among us, as we think about life and of death, the great fathom between us and God. How powerful, how gracefilled, how "sanctus".
I told the congregation about two Saints in my life ... my maternal Grandmother Chub and Merrill Abbey ... two people who have had such a wonderful impact on my life and were Jesus with skin on to me. Always encouraging, always loving, always believing in me .... and so today, I remember them and many others who have gone to be with Jesus.
Thank you Jesus for blessing me ....