Fisher Girl Productions

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Struggling With Struggling

I'm in the middle of preparing to leave in the morning for our statewide UM Jr. High Youth gathering which as YIAT Coordinator, I am responsible for. We have 975 participants registered so it is a little like the anticipation of 975 people coming over to your house for Thanksgiving dinner. At the moment, I am not feeling very "thankful" or like I am about to lead a Jr. High youth event. At the moment, I am feeling like a angry, yet very concerned Mom of a almost 17 year old son.

Our son Adam is struggling. He is struggling with school, struggling with friends (not good ones), struggling with struggling. This afternoon while loading my van in preparation for an early morning departure, I received a call from his teacher who is also concerned. Adam and two friends drove in the yard .... of which I promptly yelled at them to head back to town. The two "friends" have also been making some bad choices. The same friend as I blogged about earlier. Today, I had one concern on my mind and that was my son. Adam and I have had our shouting match, a phone call from Dad, a softer talk again that ended with both of us in tears. Calming down, having a slice of pizza, then finally out to get chores done.

I see hundreds of Adam's out there everyday ......... but the pain is heavier closer to home. I know he is "in there" for I see glimpses of him. Where is my son? What have you done with him? I will fight you for him. I will fight you for all of them.

I know the power of prayer. I have seen the results of it's light. I have also seen the power of darkness when it runs rampant trying to destroy light. But today, I fight ....... I fight the darkness with the power of light. The light that comes from Christ alone. The light that comes from prayer. The light that comes from love. With every breath of my being I will cry out to God, the creator of light. In His name I will fight the darkness that tries to seep into my son's life just to deteer me. I will fight darkness in the name of Jesus the Christ for today, and everyday ..............

I am a God Truster.

I love you Adam, be Gods!



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