Fisher Girl Productions

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Strong and Courageous: "27"

Last week during my annual review with my district council on ministry, I was asked the question (by my District Superintendent) who I related to in the Bible and why. I thought that was a good question.

My response was Peter & a little bit of Paul. I often relate to Peter because of both his gusto and his failures. There are times when my temper flares, but when it comes to Jesus, I melt. I relate to Paul because I love to write letters of encouragement and I'm a "tell-it-like-it-is" sort of girl. I get impatient with people who do not want to move forward and have felt shipwrecked and abandoned more than a time or two.

But I forgot about David. How could I forget about my man David? Remember David? Now David was the "dude" ya know? Everything he touched turned to gold until he slipped up and then things turned out not so good for him. I relate to David because he was first a shepherd boy. I like sheep. I also relate to David in the essence of the Psalms.

David was a man after God's own heart. He was in constant communication with God and often called upon him for protection. I relate to that ...... often. David had to make some unpopular choices which left him fearing for his life, hiding in a few caves, dodging arrows.

Some days, I have felt like David in the cave escaping those arrows. It is then (usually daily) that I read my favorite Psalm 27.

" The Lord is my light and my salvation - so why should I be afraid? The Lord protects me from danger - so why should I tremble?" and on ........

And it is then, that I am reminded that God places me high upon a rock out of reach of those who throw tomatoes, or arrows, or stones at me. It is then that I hear his voice saying do not be afraid for I am with you. It is then that I become brave and courageous under fire. It is then that I can walk out of the cave with courage and grace.

The Lord is my light and my salvation ........... bring it on.

It is then, I feel God's peace.



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