Fisher Girl Productions

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pastor Adam, Cautious Mom

It has been one of those days when I am proud of my son and ashamed of myself. Our son Adam has a friend who we as parents do not totally trust. So, we have told Adam that if he wants to invite this friend out to our house to hang out, so we know what they would be up to, that would be an acceptable solution. Adam took me up on the offer.

This is the same friend who spent some time out of school for detention, the same friend who pierced Adam's ear at his house, the same friend that when he calls ...... I cringe.

The same friend that asked Adam to baptize him during the sixth grade school Christmas program practice at the Catholic church in Adrian because he knew Adam went to Sunday School. Adam came home and proudly told me that he baptized him .... "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" with Catholic holy water asking if he did it right. My first question was if the priest was around. I'm sure God was smiling, but the priest may not have been amused at the United Methodist boy performing sacraments.

The same friend who stood in my kitchen a few hours ago and thanked me for letting him come out, that he didn't like to be home alone, that his Mom spent most of her nights in the bar. Cleaning the kitchen table off after having pizza, something Adam doesn't even do.

And my heart bleeds ..... and I want to trust him ..... on a pastoral level ..... and then my parental gene kicks in ......... and I wrestle. So, we talk about expectations, about choices. We don't allow alcohol in our home, that smoking is not acceptable, that chores need to be done.

Adam sees the good in him, while I am being the Mom. I hope Adam is right and I am wrong.
I am proud of Adam for believing in his friend, and I continue to be in prayer for him.




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