Fisher Girl Productions

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


The last time I posted was back in March. She and I along with the rest of the team were in the midst of preparation for the upcoming UMYs Event. She and another girl had been taking the lead on arranging the workshops for the event. I was thankful ..... workshops are not in my Spritual Gift inventory, they make me crazy. They teased me about it.

It has taken me over a week to write about her. She was a writer so I know that she would understand. Sometimes it takes awhile for the head and heart to converse and then to communicate with the hand to end up with written words, emotions from within. We often talked about our writing she and I, the fact that it was an outlet for us. A place to reflect and then communicate our thoughts and feelings on paper. She was a beautiful writer.

Hard to believe it has been over a week since she is gone. Where did the time slip away to? So many emotions to absorb for those who loved her. Something you have to take in a little at a time because it is just so devasting. Even though my intellect knows she is with her Savior, dancing as she did at the event ...... my heart still bleeds ........ I miss her.

I learned so much from her. Both in life and in death. She was the kind of girl who didn't have time for "drama". Often times referring to her friends as her "children" .... not in a put down sort of way .... but just her way of making her point, a little hint of sarcasm that was not condemning but yet just enough to let everyone know what she thought. In death, I learned about her evangelism, more so than I knew about in her life. She had taken Kat under her wing, inviting her to youth group, being Jesus with skin on. I think she hoped Kat would be a part of UMYs. She was like that, always inviting people into a wonderful relationship with Jesus Christ. People were drawn to her ..... just because she reflected "something more". I can see them now, teaching heaven's courts the actions to the song "Justice" .... can you hear it?

I admired her love of scripture. The following was read at her visitation, and I think is a fitting way to end the page. The words are from Ephesians Chapter 4 The Message Version:

"In light of this, here is what I want you to do. While I am locked up here, a prisoner for the Master, I want you to get out there and walk - better yet, run! - on the road God called you to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline - not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences. You were all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. You have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who rules over all, works through all, and is permeated in Oneness."

And so, in light of this, we press on in memory of you and Kat. With thoughts of you as we go forward, listening intently for your laugh, remembering your smile, holding on to your hope. We press on to UMYs '07, knowing your with us every step of the way.

Rest well girls, in Jesus arms.

Love you too Kelli, see ya later ~


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