Fisher Girl Productions

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This War .... You See .... It's Personal.

I had a disturbing dream last night, and I have to be careful how I blog because I don't want to end up on a "list" somewhere ..... I'm sure I am on enough lists, and there was that incident with me sending Kool-Aid through the mail that ended up shredded. But in my dream, there was a woman who told me there was a bomb and that I had 20 minutes to get all the YIATers out of there .... wherever there was, I'm not sure. I just know that it was so disturbing it woke me up. I had to get out of bed for a bit.

I don't believe in this war. I have deep convictions about it, but that isn't the topic of this blog. You see .... it's personal now. I have people that I care about that are serving in the military. Although I don't believe in this war, I believe in them.

When I was little, I had GI Joes. I was a tomboy. Some of my relatives gave me Barbie's for Christmas because they thought I should play with those instead. So, I had my GI Joes rescue Barbie while Ken doll sat in his car and looked pretty.

Now as an adult, there is no play when it comes to GI Joes. I know living breathing ones who defend our country and do it because they believe in something bigger than themselves. They have been in my thoughts and prayers over these months, but it is more personal now.

Ryan was one of my first youth group kids. I think God gave me Ryan first just as a test run thinking if I made it through Ryan ... I was good to go with anything. Ryan had ADD as a teenager and kept me always on my toes. He was the kid who climbed the church gates in the courtyard, backstroked under the pews in the sanctuary, the kids duct-taped him to a chair during a Lock-In because he was being annoying ... Keith and I left him there ... only for a few minutes and then made them cut him loose. He was a scrawny teen, tall and lanky. Today Ryan towers over me at 6' or more and is way buff due to years in the military. I still get a hug when he comes home. Ryan's parents do not live in Luverne anymore, but Ryan still considers Luverne UMC his "home". Be careful Ryan ... you are ours and we love you.

Cody is the guy who's grin brightens a room. Quit ... but when he has something to say people listen. Cody was the guy who made youth trips fun. The Luverne UMC girls thought "Cody was just Cody" until girls from other towns started paying attention to him at youth events .... Hhmm?. He is the farm kid who lived in town. A really hard worker with muscles to prove it. Kind hearted and polite. Be careful Cody .... you are ours and we love you.

Andrew is the same age as my oldest son JJ. They grew up together. Andrew loves to fish more than anything. Spending many hours down at the river fishing catfish. When our boys were young, several of us from church would go camping at Big Stone Lake. I have so many fond memories of those times together. Andrew mentored my son Adam during Confirmation. They both have ADD. If you couldn't find Andrew during youth group functions ... look up ... he was another climber. He has grown into a fine young man, polite, and a great role model. Be careful Andrew ... you are ours and we love you.

Steve-O doesn't go to Luverne UMC, but it is the UMC that connected us. His Dad is a UMC Pastor. Steve was a youth leader when I took over YIAT and he is the kind of guy who ya just know "always has your back". He left youth ministry for awhile, but has always chaperoned JUMYs and UMYs. We really missed him at JUMYs this month. Steve-O always led the game workshop ... I don't DO games and I am so glad Steve-O does. He has been a constant at TYL Camp as a Senior Counselor since I became YIAT Mama. This past Summer, a few days before camp, I got a call from Steve saying he needed to leave camp early. He had enlisted to all our shock. I have watched Steve change the lives of so many young people for the good and grace of God, this war needs him .... to change lives as he radiates the love of Christ in his life as he serves. Be careful Steve-O .... you are ours and we love you.

This war ... you see ... is personal. And although I don't believe in it, I do believe in the many GI Joes and GI Janes as the serve and protect us. As always, I lift a prayer or two or three ... and I am especially thankful for them this Thanksgivng week.

Be careful .... you are ours and we love you!


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